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Showing posts from November, 2023

[EternaL Tough] [Mighty 8K] Chiang's Water Bear with 0.03mm Layer Height

One of our community members from Taiwanese group Shang-Feng Chiang posts his result of printed out a water bear (tardigrade) model with 0.03mm layer height using his Phrozen Sonic Mighty 8K, which comes out as a great result.      The 0.03mm setting combine with the 8K resolution of his Mighty 8K, preserves the detail of the textures on the model's surfaces. This 10cm models took him 12 hours to print, due to his rather  conservative plate moving setting.     The resin he's using is from a local workshop here in Taiwan, which is not available around the globe. According to Chiang, this resin has similar characteristic compared to the Phrozen Aqua Gray 8K resin, but more watery which explained the higher exposure time.     I would recommend people who would like to try this 0.03mm layer height setting with Phrozen Aqua 8K series resin, to simply replace the exposure time for both normal layers and bottom layers with the exposure time that has been...

Should You Print Directly On the Build Plate?

In the world of resin 3D printing, there is an ongoing debate about whether it is better to print directly on the build plate or use supports. This topic recently sparked a lively discussion in our Facebook group and subreddit, with members sharing their experiences, preferences, and concerns. In this article, we will delve into the different perspectives presented in the conversation and explore the pros and cons of printing directly on the build plate.  ▲ Sometimes people need to print stuff directly on the build plate for various reason. Credit. The Importance of Model Orientation:      One key point is that, the ideal orientation for printing a model is not always the one allowed by printing flat on the bed. Depending on the complexity and geometry of the model, it may be more efficient to use supports to achieve the desired outcome. This is particularly true when dealing with intricate designs or models with overhangs. ▲ Proper orientation and good supports can ...

Peachy Turns 6 Months Old! 🍑

Last time, we've introduced a stray dog named Peachy, which had her fortune to have one of the volunteer Wong, from the local stray rescue and adoption group in Hualian, Taiwan, to made a 3D printed prosthetic for her congenital amputation, who is also a member of Phrozen's Taiwanese group on Facebook.     After 3 months, Peachy has become 6 months old and has already adopt to the prosthetic Wong has made for her. And she has also become heavier, more stronger then before, which means Wong have to adjust the design of the tailored prosthetic to better fit her current state.      Wong has also tried out some new material making the prosthetic. Despite other kinds of resin has stronger, more durable result compared to the Phrozen Rock-Black Stiff he's originally used, Rock-Black for its easy to print, high dimensional accuracy, is still the choice for him to do the fast proto...