Brian Gordon recently purchased the 12K Upgrade Kit for his Sonic Mighty 8K Printer and did a series of tests and calibrations to see how well the new 12K LCD will holds up compared to the original 8K LCD.
To be able to see the true performance of the 12K LCD, Brian had to first dial in the Aqua Gray 8K resin that he choose, with the ACF film comes with the Upgrade Kit. And the final he got is a successful print of Cones of Calibration and a good result of 3DRS Starship Calibration test.
He also gave a full review for his 12K Upgrade Kit in the Phrozen 3D Printer Group on Facebook, which you can read it here:
Here is his result and settings. For those who are interested, should give it a try to see if his settings works with your printer.
▲ Success print of Cone of Calibration by Brian. |
▲ Success print of 3DRS Starship Calibration test by Brian. |
▲ Brian's printing settings. |
Printer: Sonic Mighty 8K with 12K Upgrade Kit installed
Resin: Phrozen Phrozen Auqa 8K Gray
Layer Height: 0.05 mm
Bottom Layer Count: 6
Normal Layer Exposure Time: 1.395 s
Bottom Layer Exposure Time: 13.950 s
Transition Layer Count: 6
Transition Type: Linear
Transition Time Decrement: 1.790s*
Waiting Mode During Printing: Resting Time
Rest Time Before Lift: 0 s
Rest Time After Lift: 0s
Rest Time After Retract: 1 s
Bottom Layer Lift Distance: 3 + 4 mm
Normal Layer Lift Distance: 2 + 4 mm
Bottom Layer Retract Distance: 4 + 3 mm**
Normal Layer Retract Distance: 5 + 1 mm**
Bottom Layer Lifting Speed: 60 & 240 mm/min
Normal Layer Lifting Speed: 120 & 240 mm/min
Bottom Layer Retract Speed: 240 & 60 mm/min
Normal Layer Retract Speed: 240 & 120 mm/min
*Transition Time Decrement should be set automatically according to the both exposure time for normal and bottom layer, and the layer count of bottom and transition layer. If not, please insert the number provided above.
**The retract distance for both normal layer and bottom layer should be set automatically as the same of their lifting speed. If not, please insert the number provided above.
Thanks to Brian for providing his result and settings to our community.
Link to the original posts:
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